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Flux Storm Generation

Thaumcraft Gregtech

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I'm looking to intentionally generate Flux lightning storms as a way to improve the rate of my Lightning Rods' EU production, but I'm having no success. I've tried making thousands of Bottles, tossing them in the Crucible, and sending the Essentia to Flux, but all I've managed to get is a paltry few Wisps.


How is it that a punitive side-effect is so hard to achieve? What can I do to make this happen?



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The wiki page on Flux suggests that having lots of Vacuous and/or Visum in the air will cause thunderstorms. Provided that the items you are using have one or both of those aspects and you've created Flux on a large scale, you should be receiving some thunderstorms. If you're missing one or both of those aspects, then try finding an item that has one or both of those aspects and toss that in as well. Otherwise, I'm not sure. Flux effects seem to be thoroughly random to me. While moving nodes around extensively to create a Pure Node with >1,200 Vis, my Node ended up at High flux but only spawned a few Wisps and maybe caused a lightning strike or two, not very dangerous at all.

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