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How do I download mod updates?

mod update ftb unleashed

Best Answer Kahless61 , 19 August 2013 - 02:05 PM

Mods live independent of FTB, so a lot of times they'll have code in there that checks for updates and informs its users. For us FTB users, that message tends to be misleading. FTB is a large compilation of mods delicately sewn together and tweaked by our benevolent overlords (Slowpoke) that even the slightest change in version of a mod could throw the whole thing off balance, if even still being playable. Generally the rule of thumb is, when you see a message that says "your mods are out of date", think "Ooh boy, new stuff when FTB updates! Can't wait for FTB to update" and other than that, just ignore it.

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I don't know how, or if it's possible to update my mods in the modpack. Can anybody tell me? I'm a noob at this.


EDIT:Biomes O' Plenty seems to have some problems,(I'll try to post a log later.) and doesn't seem to do anything,(The update notice was red, while the others were white.) plus damage indicators and logistics pipes are out of date.


EDIT: I did figure updating a bunch of stuff would be a bad idea, but Biomes O' Plenty doesn't appear to be a core mod that runs others mods or anything. Same with Damage Indicators and Logistics Pipes.


EDIT: Couldn't get the page to accept the log.

Edited by Aezex, 20 August 2013 - 01:11 AM.

1.6 modpack? Download Java 7 here. 1.7.10+? Download Java 8 here.




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Depends on what mod you want to update. Normally it isn't a good idea, and the modpack gets updated by the FTB Team, so you don't need to update them yourself.

What do you want to update?

Hope I helped!

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✓  Best Answer

Mods live independent of FTB, so a lot of times they'll have code in there that checks for updates and informs its users. For us FTB users, that message tends to be misleading. FTB is a large compilation of mods delicately sewn together and tweaked by our benevolent overlords (Slowpoke) that even the slightest change in version of a mod could throw the whole thing off balance, if even still being playable. Generally the rule of thumb is, when you see a message that says "your mods are out of date", think "Ooh boy, new stuff when FTB updates! Can't wait for FTB to update" and other than that, just ignore it.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: mod, update, ftb, unleashed

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