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FTB Untamed =No Lag= 32gb Ram "Ultimate v1.1.2" Grief Provention

FTB Ultimate Server

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  • IGN:XiProbaseballX
  • Modpack:FTB Ultimate

FTB Untamed




About The Server


Ip: FTB-Untamed.us.to:25566

Website: FTB-Untamed.enjin.com

This server is running on FTB Ultimate v1.1.2 modpack



We Use The Best Technology To Provide You With A Great

Gaming Experience,This Means We Work Hard So There Is NO Lag.


Dedicated RAM 32GB

Hard Drive 1TB


Great Staff





Player is the most valuable person on our server, we are doing our best to make you feel comfortable and relaxed.The gameplay Is Mainly Focused On Survival And Trade, since I want players to unite into groups, We Have Added Shop Zones Were People Can Build There Very Own Shops and so people can interacted in a close environment. We have GriefPrevention plugin installed, so you dont have to worry about any grief, but if it occurs, we will restore everything and punish the delinquent.


PVP is disabled But Is Only Enabled In The PVP Arena And Twilight Forest.

Difficulty is Normal.


Banned Items



Chunk Loaders: CPU usage, may lead to lag in the future

Gravity Gun: Griefing tool.

Portal Gun: Griefing tool.

Mining Laser: Griefing tool.

Wand Of Excavation: Griefing tool.

Arcane Bore: Drains all vis from the nodes.

TNT and Nukes: Of course placement only.

All Anchors: Lag


All Turtles: Lag/Griefing Tool






Our only Rules Are To Respect All Staff And Players. Any Hackers will Be Punished.


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  • Modpack:Direwolf20 1.5 Pack
Why don't you make it so if you grief you get banned instead of being banned for using things that you can use to grief? Or make it so you can make a mystcraft age and use it.

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