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Looking for Youtube-friendly unleashed server.

ftb unleashed server youtube

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  • Location:Underground somewhere.
  • IGN:Aezex
  • Modpack:Unlisted Pack

Hello, I'm Aezex. I've been looking around for a good Unleashed server to do Youtube videos on, but so far I haven't had any luck. I'd prefer if there were players on more often then not, but not enough to feel crowded. If anyone knows of any, feel free to recommend one.


EDIT: no longer interested. Thank you for the ideas! :D

1.6 modpack? Download Java 7 here. 1.7.10+? Download Java 8 here.




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  • IGN:Eyeball114
  • Modpack:FTB Unleashed

Feel free to check us out at sgservers.us 


We have several twitch streamers here already. All mod information can be found here:



We are a little slower right now due to school, college, etc but usually have about 5-10 members on in the est evening hours. No whitelist. Permissions. 

Unleased 1.1.3


No Whitelist|Permissions|Beer




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  • IGN:fran4x
  • Modpack:FTB Unleashed

I just started a new Unleashed server. I do not know if it will suit your needs as I am still looking for new players. I also want to make the server 24/7 but I must invest in some more fans to prevent the server from overheating. We are whitelisted and have no banned items. I would like to see some youtubers in it. If you are interested in joining tell me your username and I will give you the IP. I will give you a tour once we are in game. See you there!



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Do you like mindcrack? I would love for you to join my Server. Treecraft ---> http://ftbforums.org...ack-ftb-server/




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  • IGN:Darkfire3814
  • Modpack:FTB Unleashed

Check us out. We lookign for YouTubers. We offer custom built world maps that look great on video.  Read about us here. http://ftbforums.org...ashedragemccom/

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ftb, unleashed, server, youtube

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