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TE3 dynamo numbers ?

thermal expansion 3 railcraft steamboiler dynamo

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  • 2 posts
  • IGN:Adirelle
  • Modpack:Direwolf20 1.5 Pack

Hello there,


Do anyone have numbers about TE3 dynamos ? E.g. input-resource-to-RF formulaes ?


I have setup a railcraft 36m² low-pressure steamboiler and fill it with fuel to provide steam to several TE3 steam dynamos. However, I have the feeling that 1) my steamboiler is largely oversized for my needs, 2) it consumes a constant stream of fuel to provide a constant stream of steam, wasting fuel when my RF network does not need energy.


I hesitate to switch to a bunch of compression dynamos, so this would be more scalable (both down and up) and they did not consume fuel when there be no need. However, this was only interesting if the fuel consumption compression dynamos at lowest throttle was lower than the constant consumption of the steamboiler .


So I would like to know if anyone have the formulaes about the TE3 steam and compression dynamos, explicitely :

  • the steam-to-RF formulae of steam dynamos, including at lowest throttle (4 RF/t),
  • the fuel-to-RF formulae of compression dynamos, including at lowest throttle (4 RF/t).

By the way, how many compression dynamos can a aqueous accumulator supply ?


Thanks for reading.



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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: thermal expansion 3, railcraft, steamboiler, dynamo

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