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Where the heck does Railcraft Saltpeter spawn?

Railcraft Saltpeter Ore

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Okay, here's a thing about the bedrocky spring blocks - they are from BuildCraft and spawn at the bottom of oil or water fountains. They will occasionally spawn a source block, but especially the oil spawner takes its merry time. They are infinite, but not good for OP creative power generation. Although I thought that the water spawner was faster, but maybe not...

Celestial Oblivion

Celestial Oblivion

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Back on 1.4.7 DW20 saltpeter was terrible to find, and I was just using it to craft Gunpowder for a friend if I remember right.

I don't really have much use for it now, but I do enjoy hoarding things.... will definitely be putting the WoET and wrath igniter (eee those are fun) suggestions to the test when I get the time.


Always wondered what that spawner did. If I plop one out in the world, will it generate like normal?


I did finally find a saltpeter deposit by the way, but I've actually never found a spawner without spawning it in. It may be located under bedrock or something so you can't tamper with it.

"The mind is the attribute of man. When man is born, he comes into existence with only one weapon with him- The reasoning mind."

...And his fists for punching trees.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Railcraft, Saltpeter, Ore

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