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IC2 Experimental Reactor layout & designs

reactor layout design ic2 ic2 experimental

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I'm looking for people to share reactor designs with me, i'm mainly want extra safe ones that output around 100-200 eu/t.

post screenshots of the interior layout, preferably what it looks like after completing a cycle.

I know a little of what to look for and expect, but i don't want to experiment too much and melt parts, reactor parts are expensive and take awhile to build.

any help is appreciated as what i'm finding elsewhere online outdated to the current version of ic2 found in monster.

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I dont use reactors, theyre too dangerous and require too much maintenance if you dont automate them. You should try making an ultimate hybrid solar panel, instead. They produce 512 eu/t in the day and 64eu/t in the night. It needs a lot of iridium, 65, hence the reason nuclear reactors are much cheaper in comparison. You should check them out.

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I dont use reactors, theyre too dangerous and require too much maintenance if you dont automate them. You should try making an ultimate hybrid solar panel, instead. 

Creating a one-block unmanned power source makes the game boring and feels more like cheating.

The power output of reactors could be buffed to make them more rewarding, though.


I recommend using an online reactor planner:


(not sure if it applies for Monster & IC2EXP, though)

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I play on a survival mode server, so it's not easy getting iridium. To be honest i have yet to produce a single piece of iridium. It is extra complicated in monster, but from what i understand, uu-matter is needed, which takes a massive amount of energy to produce. I have a compact solar generator and a standard solar on my roof but both of them are smaller in eu/t than my pair of coal powered generators. My geo thermal eats lava too fast. Given all of them running at the same time isn't enough to provide stable continuous power to the hungry machines. That's why i need nuclear. I have a basic reactor up and running now providing 30 eu/t which helps, but i know i can improve it while keeping it stable.



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The amount of gold that goes into a reactor now since they changed the heat values is disgusting..plus they eat through the components even if it produces zero heat unless they're given cooling periods... More than half of the power they output will always go to reproccessing now since you have to use the thermal centrifuge. Even after all of that you still run out of one type of uranium wayyy before the other unless you start using MOX fuel which will run out too. Half of the power goes to reprocessing and half to quarrying. (I.E.: there is no output power now).




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i may just live with a stable reactor at 35-40 like i have it now and use drums to feed semi-fluid generators powered by processed fuel.  32 eu/t each isn't bad if i make a row of them, and 0 explosion risk is always a plus.



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In my pack iridium is easy to get. Molecular transformer iron into iridium amd lots of eu. IMO reactors are too high of maintenance for their output now. Solar farms are really reliable and easily reproducible.




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That device isn't in the monster pack, my goal with this post is exclusive to monster so thanks anyway.
Looking for help from the monster players, the nuclear physics genius' to show us some good current mark1-2 reactor layouts.



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Well I attempted to appeal to the sensible who don't want to blow up their base for no reason ;P


I'll have to redirect you to the nuclear engineering forum. http://forum.industr...f70c741f299ea00


I'll edit this post again when I find my previous mk2 @100eu/t. 

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I have 12 separate reactors in my base with the layout-- 21p1hwuaig4yubc1uviz6luycax0a3ei6epr0o03d4s3sz3f3hgx8cflgo7ww7x0qcsrrm7dhisetc0 -- It provides 120 EU/t without the danger of overheat or explosion. and can be very compact only requiring 2 blocks (4 including the ME Export Bus and the precision import Bus)



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In my pack iridium is easy to get. Molecular transformer iron into iridium amd lots of eu.

The Fusion Reactor from Gregtech is the only thing I know that makes iridium. And the wiki doesn't have an entry for a Molecular Transformer...

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The Molecular Transformer is from Advanced Solar Panels, it basically allows you to transform items into ther items of the same color at the cost of a lot of EU.




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Im just getting in to MOX nuclear reactor and looking for more information on them  (IM runing MC1.6.4). Just got 2 standerd reactors  running, using  Reactor Planer makes it like taking candy from a baby. (Sorry No PICs)


First one is running 4 Duel uranum Rods and out puting at 200Eu and a total of 40Mil.



and a 100 EU a littel cheaper



The Thick nutron Reflector will last 2 full cycels all other components can be used indefently, just make sure the cool down all the way. shouldnt take more then a few min


Reactor Planer Is Here: http://www.talonfire...p2r7r1qob9ncr9c



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Thick Neutron Reflectors are expensive. You won't want to replace them every 2 runs otherwise you'll gain nothing because all power will go into getting more resources. I believe I talked about this earlier that using power to make power doesn't seem very wise to me.

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