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Random Blocks Exploading XP

XP problem mining

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  • IGN:Majulus
  • Modpack:FTB Monster

Ok, so when mining people on my server will randomly break blocks that explode well over 100 levels of experience orbs. This brings everyone on the server to a standstill while the next 6-45min are spent by that one person absorbing the orbs to get rid of the lag. This is a problem, and there seems to be no consistency on what blocks are doing this. We've seen cobblestone, ruby, perdiot, assorted other cobblestones from geostrata. We have no idea what mod is causing this, or even if its supposed to be happening. it seems like a glitch or bug because it is a lot of xp for a random block.


Has anyone else experienced this? or know whats happening? this is a new server, we've never played FTB before but if we are to make this a permanent server we need to fix this issue, otherwise its not worth our time.

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