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Thaumcraft with friends?

thaumcraft multiplayer

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I was wondering if there was any way to share research between people on a server. I have built up a base on a multiplayer server with two friends, and I am currently in the process of researching the thaumcraft tech tree. Everything that I have read leads me to believe that once I research something, i just tell my friends what the items are in it and then they research it for themselves. However, I figured that I might as well take a shot and see if I am missing something (i.e. a way to share Theorems, for example). Like I said, I doubt it exists, but I figure i should cover all my bases.



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Hmm, not sure. Maybe there's a way to duplicate completed research pages VIA creative mode or something? That's the only solution that I could think of, though. 




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If I can remember correctly, duped research papers won't work on other players. Only the person who researched it.


A painful way would be to keep copying the player files around as the thaumonomicon's data is tied to the player and not the book. Though I would say your best bet is to just spawn in the aspects for research and destroy any extras.



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Accidentally I found that placing an item like a bee in an item frame and then middle clicking it while in creative gives you an exact copy of that bee and all of its special data... you could try that but ThaumCraft might work differently.

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Accidentally I found that placing an item like a bee in an item frame and then middle clicking it while in creative gives you an exact copy of that bee and all of its special data... you could try that but ThaumCraft might work differently.

That happens in Creative whenever you middle-click an item in any inventory like a furnace, crafting or the Player's inventory... even in Vanilla. If I'm not mistaken this was added in Minecraft 1.4.

Hope I helped!

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: thaumcraft, multiplayer

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