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Thaumic Tinkerer (aka TT KAMI) need clarification about enchantments

thaumic tinkerer tt kami thaumcraft

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Smelly Old Man

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Hello everyone, 


this is my first post on the forum so please be gentle :3


I have a question regarding the Thaumic Tinkerer addon for Thaumcraft.

As I just finished the armor set, I was wondering about the best enchantments.


Leggings of the Burning Mantle state that any incoming fire damage gets converted into healing,

and the Robes of the Stratosphere stare that they passively protect the wearer from any incoming simple projectiles.


My questions are: Do Projectile Protection and Fire Protection have any effect on this armor set? And what do the Robes of the Stratosphere

count as "simple" projectiles?


I made an attempt to test it on the server I play on at the moment, but I got a different result every time. 

I let a friend shoot me with my Flux-Infused Bow (empowered, Power V, Flame I) and the damage it dealt to me 

while wearing the full TT KAMI set ranged from 5 to 15 hearts. 


I'd like some clarification on this if anyone knows the real mechanics behind this. 




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I believe "simple projectiles" is supposed to refer to arrows, but not things such as Ghast fireballs.


Other than that: I'm not sure, I've never really tried the ichor armour because of how excellent blood magic's armour can be in this pack.

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