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Thaumcraft Infusion Issue.

Thaumcraft Crafting Infusion

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I have been trying to craft the Void thaumaturges robes from thaumcraft for the last hour with no luck. The correct items are placed on and around the alter and i have the correct amount of essentia needed in my ME system. I am able to do other infusions but not any of the void armour. If anyone has any ideas on how I could fix this I would love to hear them.

Thanks, Sam.

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  • 2015-06-07_03.11.27.png



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I can think of two problems you may be encountering:

  1. None of the items may be damaged for this recipe to work.
  2. You haven't done the research.

I'm betting on #1, and that you're trying to use a damaged Void Chestplate or Thaumaturge's Robes to craft the void robes. If this is the case, replace it with an undamaged item and the infusion should start up without problem.




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Neither of those Is a correct assumption unfortunately. Have completed all the research and I made the void armour especially for the infusion.

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