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Problem with Thaumcraft 4 golems


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  • IGN:Waldoran
  • Modpack:Unlisted Pack

Hello there,


I'm having trouble with my thaumcraft 4 golems. I built some automated farms, but when I move like 50 blocks away, the golems will stop working on their designated tasks. Is there a way to increase the range in which the golems will remain active?


If this information is needed: I am using the Life in the Woods Modpack with some additional mods like thaumcraft and Tinker's Construct installed.


Thanks to anybody who tries to help me out!

Greetings, Waldoran ^_^




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Are you sure that this is not simply a visual glitch where they appear to stop moving at a certain distance? Otherwise you may be able to increase your render distance to keep things loaded at an increased distance, not too much though as it may cause lag to have too many things loaded at once.

Hope this helps.

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