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INSANE amount of wisps

wisp node mobs insane wisps help

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I was flying across my map on FTB and I noticed around 300+ wisps all located in one area. I did receive some noticeable lag when I encountered them but now it is really bugging me as it is beginning to lag my server. If there is any way to stop this please help me! I managed to take some screenshots and will post them below

Thanks for your help






Celestial Oblivion

Celestial Oblivion

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Well, there's that Thaumcraft temple thing that's spawning them, but that must be one heck of a corrupted node to spawn that many. I'm assuming this is a new chunk, and that someone didn't just dump a ton of aspects into the environment in that area?

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No, I haven't used thaumcraft in about one month so nobody has been dumping aspects into the environment. Is there a way to get rid of the node?



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Not entirely sure about fixing the node itself, but to get rid of the wisps, you could delete the file the chunk is located in. It will wipe out all the entities present.
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I've only seen that many wisps when I left part of a mystcraft age chunkloaded and came back a few days later. I'm 99% sure wisps despawn like other hostile mobs when you get far away from them, so I don't know how you'd come across that many unless someone has a base in the area. Even if they're not doing anything with thaumcraft, having that node chunkloaded for a few days could cause such an insane amount of wisps.



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Are you positive that the wisps are causing the lag? If you go back there, the wisps might be gone. In addition, there is a wisp spawner inside the altar

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Actually, this part of the world was loaded previous to wisp spawners being inside of the temple things. Underneath this temple, there is a pigmen spawner so it is the node that is causing the massive amount of wisps. I have found that if i do leave the area for long enough, they do despawn, only to spawn again :/

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: wisp, node, mobs, insane, wisps, help

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