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Problem with IC2 boost mode

IC2 QUANTUMSUIT boost mode boostmode

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  • IGN:sandreeko
  • Modpack:Unlisted Pack

Hey guys,


I am playing the Revelations pack and i recently upgraded to the quantumsuit bodyarmor from the advanced nanochestplate. I thought the boost speed was incredibly slow compared to the nanochestplate so i tried to change a few of the keybindings. After that my boost key has not been working at all. I have triple checked that there are no conflicts with the boost key and the hover mode key. I used to have boost on LCTRL with no problem, but after i changed i saw that in the bindings LCTRL had turned orange. I then tried to change the binding to another button so that it wouldn't conflict at all but it does not seem to be working.

I have also tried pressing boost key in combination with about every other key.


Any thoughts?


Thanks in advance




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  • Modpack:FTB PAX Prime 2014 Map Pack

You can changing the keybindings to different keys that are not conflicting with any other keys or updating the IC2 mod or the Revelations pack.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: IC2, QUANTUMSUIT, boost, mode, boostmode

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