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How can I make quicksand craftable?

quicksand craftable craftable quicksand extrabiomes help custom recipe recipe modding

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It's such a simple concept, but I'm blown away that I can't find the answer already. Why isn't quicksand craftable and how can I make it so? How would one craft quicksand? I'd imagine throwing dirt, sand, and a water bucket in a 2*2 crafting square. Or would there be more to that?


Any how, tell me how I can add this recipe to the game. Could I mod it in with some change to the extrabiomes mod? Would I have to create my own new mod to add this recipe?


EDIT: Why do this? Because it's so useful for mob traps and hiding base entrances. Simple.

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Celestial Oblivion

Celestial Oblivion

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I have not messed with modding minecraft myself, but ideal answer from a programming perspective would be to make a new mod that is a child of the Extra Biomes mods, so that way you could disable it if you ever wanted to play on someone else's server. That said exactly how much work making a new recipe is I have no idea.

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"The mind is the attribute of man. When man is born, he comes into existence with only one weapon with him- The reasoning mind."

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When I feel a recipe is missing, I set NEI to cheat mode, throw all the components of the recipe into the trash, and cheat in the item. It's not ideal, but it's a quick fix until you get a mod to actually add in the recipe.




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Hmm... well, I have programmed in java before, but I'd be really rusty. I also want this craftable recipe for smp, so the custom recipes mod won't work for me. There's no smp version of the mod for 1.4.7 only 1.5.2, in beta. Guess I'll have to dust off my programming skills for this one. :/

Celestial Oblivion

Celestial Oblivion

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Hmm... well, I have programmed in java before, but I'd be really rusty. I also want this craftable recipe for smp, so the custom recipes mod won't work for me. There's no smp version of the mod for 1.4.7 only 1.5.2, in beta. Guess I'll have to dust off my programming skills for this one. :/


Is it your own server? I don't think you can mod a recipe on your game and let it be accepted on the server. The server must be running whatever mod you make the quicksand craftable on, and you'd need to distribute this mod to anyone who plays on the server.

"The mind is the attribute of man. When man is born, he comes into existence with only one weapon with him- The reasoning mind."

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Is it your own server? I don't think you can mod a recipe on your game and let it be accepted on the server. The server must be running whatever mod you make the quicksand craftable on, and you'd need to distribute this mod to anyone who plays on the server.


Yeah, it's my local server run from my system. I want to make it work clientside too.


Also, on a somewhat related note. I'm trying to learn how to mod, and I want to know how to include extrabiomes as a parent to my mod. How would I go about doing that?




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To add a new shapeless recipe is extremely simple. It's just one line of code. Like this:

GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(TheOutput), new Object[]{new ItemStack(AnInput), new ItemStack(AnInput), new ItemStack(AnInput) (etc.) });

(The output has to be an ItemStack, but for the inputs, you can have them as ItemStacks, Items or Blocks, to my knowledge, but not ints.)


So is adding a new shaped recipe.

GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(TheOutput), new Object[]{"ABC", "ABA", "DAB", Character.valueOf('A'), new ItemStack(anInput), Character.valueOf('B'), new ItemStack(anInput), Character.valueOf('C'), new ItemStack(anInput), Character.valueOf('D'), new ItemStack(anInput)}); 

This will make a recipe with the shape of






And the ItemStack (or Item or Block) after the Character defines what Item the specific letter will be.



And to make a mod a child mod of another, I think you have to find out the Mod ID if the parent. But after that, in your 'mod' annotation, you just add a comma in your last one, add a 'dependencies' bit, add the Mod ID of ExtraBiomes, and you're done.


Since it's really hard explaining in words, here's sort of how you'd go about it.


@Mod(modid = "WhateverYouLikeIfItRelatesToYourModAndIsProbablySimilarToYourModNameSuchAsSomethingLikeQuicksandCraftability", name = "The Name of your Mod, Like Maybe the Quicksand Craftability Mod", version = "1.0 (or whatever, I think you get the idea now)", dependencies = "TheModIDOfExtraBiomesWhichIDoNotKnowAbout")

Something like that. But on a sidenote, I (and many other modders) like to keep all the important IDs and stuff in one place, so if it changes for some reason you can just change it in that one place, as opposed to on every single place it's used. Sort of like:

public class Reference {
	public static final String MODID = "QuicksandCraftability";
	public static final String MODNAME = "The Quicksand Craftability Mod";
	public static final String VERSION = "1.0";
	public static final String EXTRABIOMESID = "idk";

and you can use it like so:

@Mod(modid = Reference.MODID, name = Reference.MODNAME, version = Reference.VERSION, dependencies = Reference.EXTRABIOMESID)



Hope I helped!


P.S. You can check out the GitHub page for my mod here, so you can look at it if you want.

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Hope I helped!

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: quicksand, craftable, craftable quicksand, extrabiomes, help, custom recipe, recipe, modding

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