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Hey y'all

new intro

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This is the intro page, so here I am.


I'm loving this site, and really looking forward to helping out. I've looked around and seen some things that I wanna help fix, but I'm still getting used to the wikicode. If you see some crazy entries on a page or its history, that's probably me. What can I say? I'm still learning.


On that topic, let me put my plug in for what I do. My angle is organization. I know we got plenty of people adding pages to this site, and I haven't seen too many pages so far that stick out like a sore thumb, but the big issue is the small stuff - the details. A great goal that my workplace promotes is a wonderful first-time impression. Not that I'm saying that the second, third, or future impressions should be bad, but the first impression should make the user come back for more. I've been reading about some guidelines for stubs and edits and stuff coming up in the near future, and I say lemme at it. I'd love to help make this site the greatest that it can be, and I've loved the clean-ups that I've been able to help with up till now. If the Admins want a project done, or if they receive an idea and wanna go with it, count me in.


First things first though, I haven't used wikicode before and I need a bit of help. For now, I'll just ask how to clean up redirects. As I get used to the site and the code, I'll post more questions in the appropriate place.


See ya 'round. AQiccl135 (talk) 22:12, 5 July 2013 (CEST)

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Welcome to the wiki.


The code format is quite simple:


If you encase the name of a page in four(4) square brackets it will auto-link to that page. eg.


[[Buildcraft 3]]



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A redirect page can be formed by having this as the first line of the page:


#REDIRECT [[PAGE TO REDIRECT TO GOES HERE]] (so #REDIRECT [[GregTech]] would make a redirect page redirect to the GregTech page)


The content after the first line doesn't matter as it simply won't show up.


A few quick tips that might solve some of the questions you might have (a bit long, spoiler'd):




By the way, welcome to the wiki! Glad to have you around. I noticed that you were interested in making tutorials/guides. Try heading over to our Tutorial:Main page, which is both the starting point for making, finding and reading tutorials. 

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.




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Thanks Fire and dA.


One question on top of my last one, how do I find pages that contain a redirect to I can check that it worked?


In my most recent attempts to fix some of the Broken Redirects, the top one leads to a Talk page. That doesn't make sense when compared to what I've seen in the rest of the site. How do you suggest that the problem be dealt with? The only option that I see is adding some content, but I have no idea what to put in it.


Also, at dA, I have seen the Tutorial page, thanks; but most of what I thought about making (before I knew that page existed) is already there. Is there a way to tell people that I'm taking requests?

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To find pages that contain a redirect, you can probably type #REDIRECT in the search bar, then click "containing... #REDIRECT" to view all pages that contain that text. To find out what pages link to a redirect page, you can take the name of the redirect page, put it at the end of this URL, and then use the modified URL: http://www.ftbwiki.o...ksHere/NAMEHERE


If you see a page that contains @comment in the title, this is a page that is residue from when we were hosted at feed-the-beast.wikia.com. If you are familiar with Wikia's system at all, you'll know that each page has a "comments" box below the page itself where people can discuss the content of the article, the item itself, how it works and so forth ad nauseam. Evidently, each of these comments is contained in a separate page labeled by the username of whoever left the comment and a timestamp, each of which is a sub-page of the main talk page. If a particular comment is a reply to another comment, the username and timestamp of the reply is preceded by the username/timestamp of the original comment and is a subpage of the original comment. However, it is not possible in Wikia's system to reply to a reply, thus preventing (even more) ridiculously long pagenames.


These comments are almost completely irrelevant garbage. If you see them, you can just ignore them. I think consensus has been reached that these can be deleted on sight by users with applicable privileges (contributors or sysops, I think) so that's what I've done to this particular one. However, I'm fairly certain that we haven't yet developed a way to easily remove these pages en masse, and even if such a thing is possible (e.g. with Extension:Nuke or Extension:BatchDelete, I believe they're called) it's probably not necessary.


If you'd like to tell people you're taking requests, you can probably place a thread in the wiki discussion forum, or you could put a note on Tutorial:Main to the effect of "If you see a guide that needs to be written, [[User talk:AQiccl135|leave a message here]] and we'll get around to it as soon as we can!" However, I'm not 100% sure about this, as it might be better to have something in the Tutorial namespace (e.g. Tutorial:Wanted Tutorials or Tutorial:Main/Wanted Tutorials) so that anyone can request a tutorial and any other given editor can easily find a topic to write a tutorial about.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.




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