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Bee Species Page(s) ?


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Hello! I am back after a long break from minecraft/FTB. I am currently playing unleashed, and the bee species present have changed from ultimate. (217 now!) I know there are people who still play ultimate as well as those who play unleashed. Should we have 2 "Bee species" pages; "Bee Species (Ultimate)" and "Bee Species (Unleashed)" or should we update the one page for unleashed and people playing old mod packs can figure it out? Unhinged does not have bees, so it is less of a problem there. The order of some bees has been changed in the new unleashed flora-in-a-box, so the Bee Species page should reflect that. It might be quite confusing for ultimate players =/


I was working on making each bee it's own page back before I had a hiatus, but there were issues with the template being changed and needing to edit everything, again. Many, many times. Does anyone have information on the status of the templates? I would like to continue that process and finish it up. 


Another issue that will come up- If you centrifuge a Ruby honey comb (I cant recall the exact name) in Ultimate it gives ruby dust if you have gregtech, a ruby if you do not, and now in unleashed it just gives honey (or something like that). Rubies were a redpower item, so not present in unleashed. Yet you can still have the bees. In this case, what should the page for the honey comb/bee say it centrifuges into?


My options on these questions- I could go either way on one page or two, the templates need to be figured out ASAP so people can actually make the pages (if they have not been already), and the Ruby bee should have the results for unleashed, with a comment on the bottom about what it did in ultimate so people know why it exists at all. What are your thoughts?



    Steampunk Alchemist

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A lot of things differ based on the modpack, we handle them by specifying in the article what happens in what modpack, like if something is GregTech only we list what it is and then state that it is GregTech only.

Also I deleted your old thread for you.
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Thanks =)


So things that just have something like Gregtech vs non-gregtech is easy to handle that way. It is more of the fact that the order should be changed, because the listing order changed in Unleashed. But that would make things incorrect for Ultimate players. So I am not sure how to handle that =/



    Steampunk Alchemist

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Thanks =)
So things that just have something like Gregtech vs non-gregtech is easy to handle that way. It is more of the fact that the order should be changed, because the listing order changed in Unleashed. But that would make things incorrect for Ultimate players. So I am not sure how to handle that =/

What do you mean by listing order?
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