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Tinker's Construct with IC2

Tinkers Construct IC2 Tools Modifiers Direwolf 20 1.5

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  • IGN:dulein
  • Modpack:Direwolf20 1.5 Pack

I'm sure that I am not the first person to notice this but Tinker's Construct tools with the IC2 battery modifier appear to drain no energy. I have tested this with most of the tools with various different materials and was wondering if this is just a general bug at the moment or if I need to change something in a config file to make them use energy. Also I have only tested this in the Direwolf 20 1.5 pack so it might act differently in the Unleashed pack or others that use these mods. Any information on this would be greatly appreciated.



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Just to double-check before trying to test this: you were in Survival mode, and you weren't wearing a BatPack or similar at the time, correct? Because in Creative, tools don't use power, and with a batpack or similar, the tools would remain charged until the batpack runs out.




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Just to double-check before trying to test this: you were in Survival mode, and you weren't wearing a BatPack or similar at the time, correct? Because in Creative, tools don't use power, and with a batpack or similar, the tools would remain charged until the batpack runs out.

Correct. I was wearing a batpack at first but I started to get curious when I filled up four diggers backpacks so I started testing it out. I've done some more testing and I can't get any tool or weapon to use energy. They degrade normally without the battery upgrade but once I add it I can use them forever. 



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I know they use one before they use the other, so try wearing the tool down all the way to see if it starts to use the battery.




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  • IGN:dulein
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I just tested it with a shovel with an obsidian head and a paper handle and still no change after a few hundred sand dug. I'm going to try and replicate my results in ftb unleashed. It might just be an issue with the direwolf 20 1.5 config.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Tinkers Construct, IC2, Tools, Modifiers, Direwolf 20 1.5

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