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Creating a template


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I would like to begin adding content regarding MineChem.  It is not part of the FTB Pack, so if there is a rule against adding pages about a mod not in the packs, please let me know.  I am looking for step by steps on how to create a crafting template for the Chemical Decomposer and other MineChem machines.  Any assistance is welcomed.



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MineChem is in the Ampz Pack, so you should be fine to add info about it. As for help with templates, I can give you a link to all the crafting templates we have already, but otherwise I'll leave that question for someone more knowledgeable.



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All content in any FTB packs, third-party or otherwise, is welcome on this wiki. If it's a red link and you have the information to make it an article, please feel free to do so. The only reason that many articles relevant to third-party packs are red links or poorly documented is because we haven't got around to documenting the third-party packs >_>


First off, you'll want to download a quality image editor if you don't already have one, such as Paint.NET or GIMP. I prefer Paint.NET because it's more user-friendly IMO, but your choice. Both of the above image editors are free. We'll mainly use these for finding locations of where to put things. You'll also need 7zip or WinRAR, although I recommend 7zip. I'd also recommend Notepad++ so that you can easily design the template on your own computer.


Now that we've got our programs, let's grab the GUI for your machine. First, go to C:/Users/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/AppData/Roaming/.feedthebeast/UniversalElectricity/minecraft/mods and right click on the MineChem jar file. Go to 7-Zip's tab in your context menu and click "Open archive", or if you're using WinRAR, click "Open with..." on the right-click menu and choose WinRAR. Using your archiver, view the jar file and go to mods --> minechem --> textures. Select everything in this folder, then drag it to a folder anywhere else on your computer so you can actually view the files. The GUI for the Chemical Decomposer is in the GUI folder and named accordingly, as are the other GUIs.


Open up the GUI in Paint.NET or GIMP. First, we'll make it look a little bit prettier. Take the bottom seven pixel rows of the image with your rectangle select tool and move them upwards so that they are flush with the nine inventory slots on the bottom row, an operation that you will probably also want to perform with the other machines. The part of the GUI that would show the player's inventory isn't really necessary. Delete the part of the GUI that would show the player's inventory, then select what you have left. Use the "Crop to Selection" button; on Paint.NET, this is Ctrl + Shift + X, found under the Image tab on the top bar.


Now we can get down to the actual meat of designing a template. It looks like there is one input on this machine, slots for containers and nine output cells. The process is basically the same no matter how many slots there are, it just involves a few more steps and a bit of know-how for how the machine works. Depending on how many outputs the machine will use on any one operation, we need to set that many parameters for our template. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that we will only need one container slot and we already know that there is only one input, so we're on terra firma there.


To do this, I'm going to work off of an established template that works similar to this machine, which is good if you can find it. This machine is not unlike the Industrial Electrolyzer from GregTech, so we'll go with that. The code for this template (Template:Grid/IndustrialElectrolyzer) is pasted in the spoiler below for convenience.




The first bit of code defines the GUI for this machine, which you'll need to upload as a .png file via Special:Upload. Check the width and height of your image and set the width/height parameters accordingly. Also change the filename to the name of your GUI's file.


After that, we have to set up the item slots. Since Container is set up first, we'll do that one first. To do so, measure the distance between the top-left corner of the item slot (the actual slot, not the border, mind you) you want to put an item image in and the top-left corner of the GUI. The width goes in left, the height in top, width and height stay the same (the image will be 32x32.) We'll keep the parameter name the same. For items where more than one are necessary (e.g. you need seven different vials) use one of the amount parameters (e.g. ContainerAmount) and work off of your original parameter. Take the number you set for "left" for the Container parameter and add six to that, then do the same with "top" and add fourteen. If there is no amount parameter, copy the code for one of the amount parameters, rename it and change the numbers. Also make sure that, when you rename a parameter, you rename all associated parameters, e.g. if you rename Input1, also rename Input1Link, Input1Image, and so forth.


It's sort of the same with the other parameters, just modify the names and the "left" or "top" numbers. You can get rid of the EU, Time and MaxEnergy related stuff, as that displays time, EU and max energy with the Industrial Electrolyzer, something I'm not sure is possible with things in MineChem.


Congratulations, you've (hopefully) set up a grid template for the Chemical Decomposer! You can put the code that you've created in Notepad++ or on the wiki here and it should create the page. Hopefully, you should be able to work off of this to make templates for the other various MineChem machines by simply modifying some names and parameters and adding a few GUI images.


My sincerest apologies if this tutorial is incomplete and/or incomprehensible. I've tried my best, but I'm not an expert at wiki markup. I'm just somewhat skilled at reverse-engineering things and making them work to my advantage. If you have any questions, post them here and I or someone else will do our best to answer them.

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My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.




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Just wanted to say that this thread has been very helpful to a newbie. Thanks for taking the time to point out the templates and create a thorough tutorial!



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In the example, why are the EU, Time, and MaxEnergy parameters included within the <noinclude> tag?



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In the example, why are the EU, Time, and MaxEnergy parameters included within the <noinclude> tag?

Looks like they were cut from the template.

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The Industrial Electrolyzer template GUI that we currently use doesn't have a space for those parameters to be displayed, only a space for the input, cells and products to be displayed. I'd guess that's why. Not sure why the GUI is this way, however.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.

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