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Crafting Grid: Cycle through items?

Template Grid Crafting Table

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I have yet another question about the wiki. This time, I am wondering if there is some way to show when different items (i.e. birch wood vs jungle wood) can be used in a recipe, without having to recreate the recipe for each different type of material. A good example of what I mean is here. The recipe for the stick cycles through the different types of wood that can craft it. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, because it is usually assumed that any kind of wood can be used in recipes, but the problem I have found is in XyCraft. Some of the machines in XyCraft require specific Engineering Blocks (such as Blue for the Water block), while some can use any type of Engineering Block, meaning it can't be assumed that one colour of Engineering Block stands in for all the others.


For the record, I did try the formatting that they had on the Stick page, but it didn't work. I don't even know if this wiki supports that, but I figure I should ask anyway.



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Well, I'm not sure if there is any kind of formatting for it, but maybe you could get all the different types and put them all into an animated gif? I don't know how you could then put them in a crafting grid, though. An easy way to do this would be to use a website like this one, which I use.





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I've been thinking about implementing this, but as of yet it's still an idea :)

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The MineCraft wiki method is preferable to using GIFs (GIFs load irregularly, cannot link to every item article in their cycle). 


While I like the animated recipes, they could very easily prove confusing to new players. Having to wait 10 or 30 seconds for a recipe to cycle back around to the ingredient you are interested in would be intensely frustrating. 

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You could provide a list of substitutes under the recipe grid, where it shows the icon on the item that can be substituted, followed by the icons of the items it can be substituted with. Then it won't be so confusing for new players, and they better control on what they can use instead of the 'default' item.

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You could provide a list of substitutes under the recipe grid, where it shows the icon on the item that can be substituted, followed by the icons of the items it can be substituted with. Then it won't be so confusing for new players, and they better control on what they can use instead of the 'default' item.

Yeah, this is what happens with most recipes that use Advanced Circuits, if I am not mistaken.
I made a gif once for the Obsidian page for one of the crafting recipes which used a Bucket of Lava on one side and a Bucket of Water on the other.

Hope I helped!

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Template, Grid, Crafting Table

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